Type List
- Unknown Type
- Alarm
- Animals & Pet Supplies
- anti corrosion
- Auxillary Contact
- Ballasts & Starters
- Batteries
- Beam Clamp
- Blind Plug
- Bolt
- Building Materials
- Business & Industrial
- Butt Connector
- C Channel
- Cable
- Cable Gland
- Cable Glands
- Cable Marker
- Cable Reel
- Cable Support Systems
- Cable Ties
- Cable Tray
- Capacitors
- Channel Support Systems
- Charger
- Circuit Breaker
- cleaning fluid
- Communication Cable
- Compression Cable Lug
- Connecter
- Connecting Tube
- Consumables
- Contact Block
- Contactor
- Control Gear
- Control Switch
- Converter
- Din Rail
- Disconnecter
- Earth Bar and Links
- Earth Insulator
- Earth Rod
- Earthing
- Earthing Link
- Electronics
- Enclosure Accessory
- Fascinators
- Fasteners
- Female Disconnects
- Flexible Conduit
- Fuse Holder
- Glanding Accessory
- Grinder
- Hand Tools
- Hardware
- Heat Shrink
- Heating Element
- Ink Ribbon
- Instrumentation
- Insulated Cord End Terminals
- Insulated Lipped Blade Terminal
- Insulated Pin Terminals
- Insulated Ring Terminals
- Insulated Spade Terminals
- Lamps
- Light
- Light Switches
- Lighting
- Lighting accessory
- Lights
- Lock Nut
- Lubricant
- Male Disconnects
- Marking Tube
- Motor Starter
- Multicore Cables
- Nut
- Nuts & Bolts
- Padlock
- Paint
- Pilot Light
- Plug
- Plumbing Component
- Power Outlets & Sockets
- Printer
- Push Wire Terminals
- Quick Connecter
- Quick Connector
- Relay
- Rigid Conduit
- Saddles
- Safety
- Screwdriver
- Sealant
- Socket
- Soldering
- Solenoid
- Solenoid Coil
- Splice Kit
- Static Kit
- Switch
- Switch Disconnecter
- Switch Socket
- Tape
- Tape Cartridge
- Terminal Block
- Terminal Marker
- Termination kit
- Test Meter
- Thermal Overload
- Thermostat
- Timer
- Tools
- Torch
- Transformers
- Trunking
- Valve
- Velcro Strap
- Wall Box Enclosures
- Washers
- Wire Cutter
- Wire Stripper
- Wire Terminals & Connectors
Vendor List
- 3M
- ABB Furse
- Adaptaflex
- Akkostar
- Allen Bradley
- Alpine
- Altair
- American Fittings Corp
- American Standard
- Amphenol
- Andeli
- Appleton
- Automation Direct
- Axis
- Band IT
- Band-it
- Bandex
- Bartec
- Barton
- Basaq
- Beisit
- Belden
- Berent
- Bicon
- Biovin
- Bittorf
- BK Precision
- Blossom
- Boxco
- Brady
- Brennenstuhl
- Brighton-Best
- Bryant
- BTC Iberica
- Burn
- Burndy
- Bussmann
- C.K
- Cabtech
- Cabtech Qatar
- Camsco
- Canon
- Carroll & Meynell
- Casio
- Cellpack
- Cinch
- Ckarke
- Clarke
- Connectwell
- Cooper
- Coruba
- Crouse Hinds
- Daier
- Danfoss
- Decoduct
- Delta
- Dewalt
- DF
- Dorman Smith
- Drager
- Dtech
- Duke
- Duracell
- Dymo
- E.G.O
- Eaton
- Eco-Worthy
- Elab
- Eland
- Elca Italy
- Electriflex
- Electroline
- Emkay
- Energizer
- Ensto
- Envoseal
- Erico
- Erse
- Europa
- Exwell
- Famatel
- Fellowes
- Finder
- Fisher
- Flexicon
- Fricosmos
- FS
- Furse
- Garrini
- Garvin
- GE
- General Cavi
- Gepico
- Gewise
- Gewiss
- Goobay
- H-Quality
- Hager
- Hawke
- Heidenhain
- Helukabel
- Hempel
- Henkel
- Hensel
- Hex
- Hilti
- Hitachi
- Hoffman
- Honeywell
- Horizon
- Huanya
- Hylec
- IC
- ICM Controls
- Ideal
- India
- JB-Weld
- JCS Hi-Grip
- JCS HI-Torqe
- Jojo
- Jubilee
- Kaf-tech
- Kavach
- Kawamura
- Kennedy
- Khind
- Kingsmill
- Kisan
- Kistenmacher
- Klauke
- Klein Tools
- Klingspor
- koino
- Kompress
- Kopex
- Korenix
- Kunkle
- Kyoritsu
- Lapp Group
- Leap
- Legrand
- Letatwin
- Levante
- Lockey
- Loctite
- LogiLink
- Mainframe
- Makute
- Mansoor
- Manumas
- Mapa professional
- Matrix
- Maxiflex
- Maxwell
- Mazda
- Megalite
- Megger
- Metal Hose Company
- Metal Work Pneumatic
- MK
- Modi
- Mogen Electric
- Molykote
- Moxa
- Murata
- MX
- Nanzhou
- Nexans
- Norden
- Nordex
- Olfa
- Onyx
- Orbik
- Osram
- P-Label
- Panasonic
- Panduit
- Parabond
- Partex
- Peppers
- Philips
- Phoenix
- Phoenix Contact
- Polyfix
- Power Connections
- Precision
- Prestoplast
- prime captian
- Prysmian
- Qplast
- Rasta
- Raxton
- Raychem
- Relite
- Remora
- Revol Ving
- Rexway
- Ridgid
- Rittal
- Roxtec
- RR Kabel
- Salem
- Salzer
- Scame
- Schneider
- Secure
- Seecab
- Seimens
- Selamat
- Selex
- Sensata
- Sensh
- Sharpie
- Sherwood
- Shining
- Sick
- Siemens
- Silca gel
- Solcon
- Spartan
- Speed
- Speedwell
- Stanley
- Startech
- Stego
- Swilite
- Sylvania
- Tai SIn
- Techni-Stat
- Techno
- Tekox
- Telegron
- Tenby
- Terminator
- Thermoweld
- Thomas & Betts
- Thomes & Betts
- Titan
- Tobin
- Top cable
- Topaz
- Tridonic
- Trinity Touch
- Trixes
- Tungsram
- Turbo
- Typhoon
- Ultima
- uni-t
- Unior
- Unistar
- Unistruct
- Unistrut
- Uxcell
- Vofu
- Vossloh Schwabe
- Wago
- Weicon
- Weidmuller
- Westhomes
- Wilson
- Woer
- Wohner
- WonkedQ
- XF
- Xider
- Yinlei
- Zalux
Plug & Sockets
QAR 275,00
QAR 275,00
QAR 850,00
QAR 850,00
QAR 0,00
QAR 0,00
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